SMILO Islands Fund 2023

Blue has partnered with the Sustainable Small Islands Organisation, or “SMILO”, to support the Islands Fund, a fund that supports community-led solutions for small sustainable islands. The fund finances innovative, concrete field operations that advance island development while strengthening resilient marine ecosystems.

Formentera, Spain

Voluntary wildlife rescue team

Leveraging the local female football team to establish a qualified voluntary rescue body to be the official responders for wildlife such as turtles, sharks and cetaceans stranding incidences. Providing training sessions to local associations and beach operators and supporting the national stranding network which at the moment is lack of local staff and data collection on the island.


Gorée, Senegal

Ecosystem Restoration

This project is led by the Fenagie Peche in Gorée Island, Senegal. The project aims to restore degraded fish habitats around the island by submerging artificial reefs and preserving biodiversity by protecting juvenile fish. The project also has a focus on knowledge sharing by organizing workshops engaging the MPA management.


Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Solar energy for conservation boat

This project, known as Yaf Keru Reef Restoration, is a community-based conservation and restoration effort led by The SEA People in Raja Ampat. This project aims to introduce solar power as an alternative energy for transportation. Thus, it reduces the dependence on fossil fuels for conservation activities and enables to reallocate of the budget previously allocated to fuel to support restoration programs.


Pangatalan, Philippines

Solar energy for fish nursery

This project is led by the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation in Palawan, the Philippines. The project aims to meet the increasing energy needs of building a fish nursery with an upgraded solar system. Avoiding the use of the fuel-consuming generator, eliminates fine particles, carbon emissions and noise pollution, thus benefiting biodiversity.


Hurricane Island, USA

Renewable Energy in Water Management

Led by the Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, this project is a plan to upgrade the solar-powered water pump to decrease the reliance on fossil fuel-powered generators improve the overall efficiency of the island's off-grid water system and progress towards 100% renewable energy goal.